Along with the ocean resources exploited the ocean investigation, deep ocean exploration had become more connected with refrigeration techniques. 又如天然气槽船的运输开发,也离不开制冷技术的配套设施。随着海洋资源的不断深入开发,海洋考察及深水探潜等都已与制冷技术密切相关。
In this paper, united system of deep phreatic water and refrigeration plant, a new type of cold source used in air-conditioning system, is introduced The paper puts forward an important parameter of the system-used coefficient and summarizes the design method of the system 本文介绍了一种新型的空调冷源系统,即用深井水与冷水机组联合供冷系统,提出了该供冷系统的一个重要参数&利用系数ε,并归纳了系统的设计方法
Clinical use of deep refrigeration on prolapse of intervertebral disc 深部冷冻技术在腰椎间盘突出症的应用
Design and Study on the United System of Deep Phreatic Water and Refrigeration Plant 深井水&冷水机组联合供冷系统的研究
Study on CT-guided deep refrigeration and traditional Chinese medicine fumigation in the nonspecific low back pain CT导引下深部冷冻加中药熏蒸治疗非特异性腰痛的临床研究
The second is based on the first one. The high-concentration CBM can be liquefied to produce LNG with deep refrigeration method. The LNG resources can be served as gas resources for LNG stations and CNG stations which are located in remoter places. 二是在第一种方案的基础上,将高浓度瓦斯气全部采用深冷法加以液化,生产LNG,并将LNG运送至更远距离用作LNG加气站、CNG加气站气源。
Traditional absorption refrigeration systems use NH3/ H2O or BrLi/ H20working pairs, which are difficult for deep refrigeration due to the defects of the traditional working fluid. 传统的吸收式制冷系统采用NH3/H20或BrLi/H2O工质对,由于工质本身的缺陷难以用于深度冷冻。